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12 votes
2 answers

Topos-theoretic Galois theory

This page is an overview of some of the types of "Galois theories" there are. One of the most basic type is the fundamental theorem of covering spaces, which says, roughly, that for each ...
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23 votes
5 answers

Grothendieck's Galois Theory today

I have recently become aware of, and started to study in my free time (abundant in these summer months) Grothendieck's Galois Theory (GGT), as formulated in SGA 1 and later by Grothendieck's ...
lambdafunctor's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Fundamental groups of topoi

Just yesterday I heard of the notion of a fundamental group of a topos, so I looked it up on the nLab, where the following nice definition is given: If $T$ is a Grothendieck topos arising as category ...
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