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35 votes
4 answers

Being a subgroup: proof by character theory

Let me first cite a theorem due to Frobenius: Let $G$ be a finite group, with $H$ a proper subgroup ($H\ne (1)$ and $G$). Suppose that for every $g\not\in H$, we have $H\cap gHg^{-1}=(1)$. Then $...
Denis Serre's user avatar
  • 52.3k
16 votes
2 answers

Groups with all normal subgroups characteristic

Today in my research, I had to use fairly explicitly the rather tautological property of finite cyclic groups that every normal subgroup is characteristic, i.e. fixed by all automorphisms. This got me ...
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
8 votes
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Normal Covering of a Finite Group

Suppose $G$ is a finite group and $N_1, N_2, \cdots, N_k$ are proper normal subgroups of $G$. The set $\{ N_1, \cdots, N_k\}$ is called a normal cover for $G$, if $G = \cup_{i=1}^kN_i$. I need to the ...
Fatemeh Moftakhar's user avatar