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Commuting matrix variety $[A,B]=0$ - can one geometrically explain divisibility of $F_ q$ point count by high powers of $q$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Comm{Comm}\DeclareMathOperator\Id{Id}$Consider the variety $\Comm$ of commuting matrices $[A,B]=0$ over some field $K$. It is much studied, and interesting for various reasons. ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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A strong sum-product "for translates" in finite fields

In the course of some recent research, I've sketched out a proof of the following result. My basis question is: is the result interesting? Proposition There exists an absolute constant $c$ such ...
Nick Gill's user avatar
  • 11.2k
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Can the relation between count of commuting pairs and conjugacy classes for finite groups be generalized to semigroups?

It is well-known that number of pairs of commuting elements in finite group G is equal to number of conjugacy classes multiplied by cardinality of G. More generally here (MO275769) Qiaochu Yuan ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
1 vote
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Bias of $a^k / q$ modulo $q$?

Let $q$ be a prime. Let $0< a < q$ be an integer so that it is primitive modulo $q$. Let $k$ be a random integer up to $q-1$. Consider $$a^k = b_k + q * c_k$$ as $k$ varies modulo $q^2$. So $b_k$...
mtheorylord's user avatar