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Extending Continuous Sublinear maps on dense subsets of a Banach space

Suppose X' and Y are Banach spaces and X is a linear subspace dense in X'. Let T be a continuous map of X to Y satisfying: (1) ||T(x+y)|| is less than or equal to ||T(x)||+||T(y)||. Please prove ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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Weak and Strong Integration of vector-valued functions

This is probably an elementary question, but outside my area of expertise, and I was unable to find any suitable reference: Suppose $f:X\to E$ is a continuous function from a compact spaces (endowed ...
Hadi's user avatar
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Hilbert space automorphisms realized as induced by transformations of some base-spaces

Following question may be soft. Fix abstract hilbert space H and consider any automorphism A in banach-spaces sence (i.e. no conditions on metric). Call A is realizable if exist measure space $(X,\mu)$...
Bad English's user avatar
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7 answers

Regular borel measures on metric spaces

When teaching Measure Theory last year, I convinced myself that a finite measure defined on the Borel subsets of a (compact; separable complete?) metric space was automatically regular. I used the ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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