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Specific regularity in bipartite graphs

Let $G(A,B)$ be a bipartite graph with $|A| = |B| = n$, where $n$ is sufficiently large(thus, $o(n)/n,o(n^2)/n^2\ll 1$). The edge density of $G$ is $d = \frac{e(A,B)}{n^2}$, where $e(A,B)$ denotes the ...
tom jerry's user avatar
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Maximum number of edges in bipartite graph without cycles of length 4

Let $ex(n,H)$ denote the maximum number of edges of a graph on $n$ vertices not containing a copy of $H$. Let $ex(n,m,H)$ denote the maximum number of edges of a bipartite graph with parts' sizes $m$ ...
Ilya's user avatar
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Minimal size of the maximal biclique

We examine a bipartite graph with two sides $R$ and $L$, and denote by $|L|$ and $|R|$ the number of nodes in each side. We know only that each node on side $R$ is connected to $k$ nodes on side $L$, ...
Daniel Soudry's user avatar
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extremal bipartite graph

I'm facing the following question: Given a bipartite graph $G = (L \cup R, E)$. Let $n = |L|$, $m = |R|$, and a parameter $k \in \mathbb{N}$, $n > m > k$. What is a minimal possible number of ...
Gilad's user avatar
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Bipartite independence number

Consider a balanced bipartite graph $G=(U,V,E)$, i.e., a bipartite graph with $|U|=|V|$. An independent set $I$ of $G$ is balanced if $|I \cap U| = |I \cap V|$. The bipartite independence number of $...
alezok's user avatar
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