For $1\leq a\leq n$, $1\leq b\leq m$ denote by $f(n,m;a,b)$ the minimal possible number of edges in a bipartite graph $G=(L\sqcup R,E)$ such that $|L|=n$, $|R|=m$ and any $a$ vertices in $L$ have at least $m$ neighbors in $R$. Some observations:
1) (duality) $f(n,m;a,b)=f(m,n;m-b+1,n-a+1)$.
2) (partial values) $f(n,m;1,b)=nb$, $f(n,m;a,1)=n-a+1$, $f(a,m;a,b)=b$, $f(n,b;a,b)=b(n-a+1)$.
3) (recursive estimate based on hereditary property) if $n\geq a+1$, then $f(n,m;a,b)\geq f(n-1,m;a,b)+\lceil\frac{f(n-1,m;a,b)}{n-1}\rceil$. Indeed, let $v$ be a vertex of maximal degree $x$ in $L$. Then $G\setminus x$ satisfies the same property as $G$, hence $f(n,m;a,b)\geq x+f(n-1,m;a,b)$. On the other hand, some vertex in $L\setminus x$ has degree at least $\lceil\frac{f(n-1,m;a,b)}{n-1}\rceil$ by pigeonhole principle, thus $x\geq \lceil\frac{f(n-1,m;a,b)}{n-1}\rceil$.
4) (dual recursive estimate) $f(n,m;a,b)\geq f(n,m-1;a,b-1)+\lceil\frac{f(n,m-1;a,b-1)}{m-1}\rceil$.
To summarize, $f$ satisfies recursive inequality for $n>a$, $b>1$:
f(n,m;a,b)\geq \max\left(f(n-1,m;a,b)+\left\lceil\frac{f(n-1,m;a,b)}{n-1}\right\rceil,f(n,m-1;a,b-1)+\left\lceil\frac{f(n,m-1;a,b-1)}{m-1}\right\rceil\right).
Actually I won't be surprised if this is always equality. At least for similar Turan theorem such phenomenon takes place.
For example, they allow to get tight values $f(n,m;2,2)=n+\max(n-m,0)$. You may try to play further with small values of $a$ and $b$.
In any case, we may always use quick estimates based on average degrees in $L$: $f(n,m;a,b)\geq nb/a$ and in $R$: $f(n,m;a,b)\geq m(n-a+1)/(m-b+1)$. But upper integer parts in above recursive estimates are in general more precise.