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Henselization of normal rings (Milne's EC)

The usual way to define the Henselization $A^h$ of a local ring $(A, \mathfrak{m})$ is by taking the direct limit $\varinjlim (B, \mathfrak q)$ over all étale neighborhoods of $A$ (i.e. pairs $(B,\...
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Characterize descents of geometric finite étale cover by means of homotopy exact sequence

Let $X/k$ be a geometrically connected $k$-variety (=separated of finite type, esp quasi-compact; the base field $k$ assumed to be separable, so $\overline{k}=k^{\text{sep}}$), $\overline{X} := X \...
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Discriminant ideal in a member of Barsotti-Tate Group

Let $S = \operatorname{Spec} R$ an affine scheme (in our case latter a complete dvr) and $p$ a prime. Then Barsotti-Tate group or $p$-divisible group $G$ of height $h$ over $S$ is an inductive system ...
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