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The adjoint representation of a Lie group

Let $G$ be a Lie group and $\text{Ad}(G)$ denote its adjoint representation i.e. the adjoint action of the group $G$ on its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. The adjoint representation is a real $G$-...
rr314's user avatar
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Explicit computation of the transfer in the representation ring for unitary groups

For a compact Lie group $G$ we let $R(G)$ be the ring of finite dimensional complex $G$-representations studied by Segal in This comes with extra ...
MLV's user avatar
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Equivariant classifying space and manifold models

The classifying space $BS^1$ for $S^1$-bundles can be taken to be the colimit of $\mathbb{CP}^n$ which are smooth manifolds and the inclusions $\mathbb{CP}^n \hookrightarrow \mathbb{CP}^{n+1}$ are ...
UVIR's user avatar
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Double coset decomposition for compact Lie groups

The starting point of my question is the following fact: suppose $G$ is a finite group and let $H,K \leq G$ be arbitrary subgroups, then there exists an isomorphism of $G$-sets as follows \begin{...
N.B.'s user avatar
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When is $X_{hG} \to X/G$ a weak equivalence for $X$ a free $G$-space, $G$ compact Lie?

Two questions (more details below): Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $X$ a $G$-space such that all stabilizer subgroups are conjugate to a fixed $H \leq G$. Denote by $\pi: X \to X/G$ the quotient ...
Alexander Körschgen's user avatar
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Why "non-linear similarity" is the same as equivalence of representations for connected Lie groups?

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $V$ a finite-dimensional orthogonal $G$-representation. Write $S^V$ for the quotient $D(V)/S(V)$, where $D(V)$ and $S(V)$ are the unit disk and sphere in $V$, ...
a grad student's user avatar