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How to properly define a slice knot (or a locally flat disk)?

A knot $K\subset\Bbb S^3=\partial \Bbb D^4$ is said to be (topolopgically) slice if there is a locally flat disk $D\subset\Bbb D^4$ with $\partial D=D\cap \Bbb S^3=K$. As far as I understand, locally ...
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The knot $K\subset \Bbb S^3$ is smoothly slice, but the disc $D\subset \Bbb D^4$ is only locally flat. Can $D$ be smoothed?

Suppose I am given a smoothly slice knot $K\subset\Bbb S^3$. But I am only given a locally flat disc $D\subset \Bbb D^4$ with boundary $K$. Question: Is there a smooth disc $D'\subset\Bbb D^4$ with ...
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