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Non-Reeb vector fields on the three-sphere

Let $X$ be the Hopf vector field on the three-sphere. Is there a smooth nowhere zero function $f$ so that the modified vector field $fX$ is not the Reeb vector field of any contact form on the three-...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
  • 13.5k
9 votes
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Reeb flows on $S^3$ versus volume preserving flows

Is there an example of a smooth vector field $v$ on $S^3$ such that $v$ preserves a volume form and $v$ is not a Reeb vector field? Recall that $v$ is a Reeb vector field if there exists a contact $...
aglearner's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

The importance of differentiable dynamics from outside dynamics? (mainly topology)

I'm looking for examples that highlight how dynamical systems (particularly, Hamiltonian and Reeb dynamics) can be used to shed light in other areas of mathematics. This could potentially include ...
Juan OS's user avatar
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20 votes
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What is the role of contact geometry in the hamiltonian mechanics?

Let us assume someone is interested in the study of Hamiltonian mechanics. What are good examples to illustrate him of the usefulness of contact geometry in this context? On one hand the Hamiltonian ...
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