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Can the Reeb foliation of $S^3$ be realized as stable manifold foliation of a smooth hyperbolic discrete dynamic on $S^3$?

Can the Reeb foliation of $S^3$ be realized as foliation associated to stable(or unstable) manifolds of a hyperbolic discrete dynamic on $S^3$?If yes what is a precise formulation for that ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Unique poine in holonomies

Let $\Lambda$ be Axiom A for $C^{1+\gamma}$ $f$. I am reading this paper. I have a problem to undestand holonomies. The holonomy mapping $$ h: W_{loc}^{s} (x) \cap\Lambda \rightarrow W_{loc}^{s} (y) \...
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Lipschitz property of holonomies fails when stable leaves $W^s(x)$ inside the leaves $W^{ss}(x)$

Let $M$ be compact manifold. suppose $f:M\rightarrow M$ is $C^{2}$. There is a continuous splitting of the tangent bundle $TM=E^{ss}+E^{s}+E^{u}$ invariant under the derivative $Df$ of the ...
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the union of local stable manifolds along local unstable manifolds

Let $f:M\rightarrow M$ be a $C^2$ hyperbolic diffeomorphism on compact connected riemannian manifold $M$. then there are local stable and unstable manifolds at each point denoted by $W^s_\delta(x), W^...
mac's user avatar
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A concept of dynamical coherence

I'm trying to make an overview of the study of partial hyperbolicity and there is an interesting concept of dynamical coherence which appears there. Some call it mild (see the Thesis of Pablo Carrasco,...
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Extension of integrable distribution over a subset

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and $G_k(M)$ be the $k$-dimensional Grassmian bundle of $M$. Let $K\subset M$ be a compact subset and $E:K\to G_k(M)$ be a continuous distribution on $K$. We say $E$ is ...
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