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Is there a way to reduce this problem to two variables through functions coming from arithmetic?

Consider following diophantine equation in $\mathbb Z[x,y,z]$ in three integer variables $x,y,z$ $$x^2+L(y,z)x+L_1(y)L_2(z)=0$$ where $L(y,z)$ is a non-homogeneous linear polynomial in $y,z$ and $L_1(...
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Laurent polynomials associated to partitions and a $Q$-deformation of $\sigma(d)$

Let $\alpha \vdash d$ be a partition of $d$, i.e. $\alpha = (\alpha_1 \geq \alpha_2 \geq …\geq \alpha_l)$, where $\sum_k \alpha_k = d$. Define a Laurent polynomial in $Q$ as follows: $$ P_\alpha(Q) = ...
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