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Conditions for surface area of surface of revolution to be product of arclengths

Given a circle $C$ in the xz-plane which does not intersect the $z$-axis, we can build a smooth 2-torus with surface area $(2\pi a)(2\pi b)$ where $a$ is the radius of the circle $C$ and $b$ is the ...
locally trivial's user avatar
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Universal chord theorem for curves

Let $\mathrm{\gamma} : [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}^2$ be a piecewise smooth, simple plane curve. Assume $\gamma(0) = (0,0)$, $\gamma(1) = (1,0)$ and that the slope of the tangent is not $0$ wherever it's ...
user95393's user avatar
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Intrinsic definition of arc length [closed]

Is there an intrinsic way of defining the arc length of a curve in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$, that is without resorting to a parametrization of the curve?
Felix Goldberg's user avatar