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Interpretation of the Schouten bracket as an integrability condition

The Schouten bracket is an extension of the Lie bracket to multivector fields. Given a multivector field $\Lambda$ the vanishing of the Schouten bracket $[\Lambda,\Lambda]=0$ is referred to as a sort ...
R Mary's user avatar
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Is every singular foliation induced by a Lie algebroid?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. A smooth distribution $D$ on $M$ is the union of a family $\{D_p \leq T_p M : p\in M\}$ of vector spaces such that there is a family $\mathcal C $ of smooth vector fields ...
Ervin's user avatar
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Glueing together functions defined on the leaves of a foliation

Even though my question can be asked for very general types of foliations, I am interesetd only in its answer for Poisson manifolds, which are what I am currently studying. Consider a Poisson ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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twisted Poisson structures, degenerate metrics and integrability properties of (2,0)-tensors

Given a regular (constant rank) bi-vector $\Pi \in \Gamma(\bigwedge^2TM)$ on a smooth manifold $M$ the necessary and sufficient condition for the image of $\Pi^\sharp:T^*M\to TM$ to be an integrable ...
issoroloap's user avatar