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Density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions

Let $M$ be an $m$-dimensional manifold and $N$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold with boundary. Suppose also that the topology on $N$ can be described by a metric. Thus, the set $C(M,N)$ can be endowed ...
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On the embedding of manifolds into infinite-dimensional spaces

Let $X$ be a (connected, finitely dimensional) topological/smooth/complex manifold and let $i$ be a weakly continuous/continuous/smooth/holomorphic map from $X$ into the dual $F^{*}$ of a real or ...
erz's user avatar
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Smooth functions tangent to the leaves of a foliation

Given two smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$, it is known that if $M$ is compact, then $C^\infty(M,N)$ is a Fréchet manifold whose tangent space at $f \in C^\infty(M,N)$ is the space $$T_f C^\infty(M,N) = \...
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The third axiom in the definition of (infinite-dimensional) vector bundles: why?

Serge Lang's Differential and Riemannian Manifolds is a no doubt the best available reference for the theory of not-necessarily-finite-dimensional differential manifolds, but unfortunately it suffers ...
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Important results that use infinite-dimensional manifolds?

Are Banach manifolds (or other types of infinite-dimensional manifolds) just curiosities, or have they been utilized to prove some interesting/important results? Where do they turn up? Important ...