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Finite group extensions of lattices

I'm currently reading the proof of Geroch's conjecture in Lawson-Michelsohn's Spin Geometry book and in the proof of Proposition IV.5.8 that every Ricci-flat enlargeable manifold is flat the following ...
pizzalberto's user avatar
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Restrictions on pointed lifts of isometries

Let $M$ be a (closed) Riemannian manifold and let $f$ be an isometry of $M$ fixing a point $\ast \in M$ that acts trivially on $\Gamma := \pi_1(M,\ast)$. Then there is a unique isometry $\tilde{f}$ of ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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Perfect groups of infinite order

Let $M$ be a closed, minimal, hypersurface in the sphere $S^{n-1}$, $n\geq 4$. Suppose $M$ has $H^1(M,\mathbb{Z})=0$. What can we say about the cardinality of the first fundamental group of $M$, $\...
Renan Assimos's user avatar
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Fixed-point-free action and cohomology of a finite group

I learned that "If $G$ is a finite group acting freely and continuously on $S^n$, the sphere then $G$ has periodic cohomology". My question is: Are there any other similar theorems relating the free ...
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Quotient of 3-sphere by binary octahedral group?

Consider the Lie group $Spin(3)$, which can be thought of geometrically as the 3-sphere (e.g., it can be represented by the collection of unit quaternions). The quotient $Spin(3)/\pm I$ yields the ...
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