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Characterization of bi-Hermitian structures with equal Lee forms

Let $(M,g,I_+,I_-)$ be a compact bi-Hermitian manifold, where $g$ is a Riemannian metric and $I_+$, $I_-$ are two complex structures that are both compatible with $g$. We assume that $I_+$ and $I_-$ ...
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Singularities of a morphism from a smooth projective variety to an abelian variety

Let $f: X\to A$ be a (flat) morphism from a smooth complex projective variety $X$ to an abelian variety $A$. Consider the following natural diagram: $$T^*X\overset{df}{\longleftarrow}X\times H^0(A, \...
Feng Hao's user avatar
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Do contact and CR structures have corresponding $G$-structures?

For an $n$-dimensional manifold $M$, almost complex and almost symplectic structures on $M$ correspond to reductions on the structure group of the tangent bundle, introducing a $\operatorname{GL}(n/2,\...
E. Addison's user avatar
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almost holomorphic line bundles

Let $(L,\omega_L) \to (M,\omega_M)$ be a symplectic line bundle (symplectic line=real dimension 2) over a symplectic manifold $M$. Each of these objects can be equipped with an almost complex ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Explicit form for hermitian structure $h$ with respect to $\omega$

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold. and $\pi:L\to M$ be a complex line bundle , we denote $h$ as hermitian structure,i.e. if $s,s'$ are smooth sections of $L$ and if $X$ is a vector field on $M$...
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Geometric invariant theory for geometers

I am trying to learn "Geometric invariant theory" like it was introduced by Mumford. But I do not have a strong background in algebraic geometry since I work in geometric topology and geometry. So ...
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