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Infinitely many deformation equivalent Hodge diamonds II

Let $S$ be a connected smooth complex-analytic space. Let $\phi:X\to S$ be a proper holomorphic submersion with connected fibers. Can the fibers of $\phi$ have infinitely many distinct Hodge diamonds? ...
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Complex manifold defined over $\mathbb{R}$

Let $M$ be a connected closed complex manifold with an antiholomorphic involution. Must there be an atlas and a choice of a reference point in each chart such that the transition functions are ratios ...
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Infinitely many deformation equivalent Hodge diamonds

Let $S$ be a connected open complex manifold. Let $\phi:X\to S$ be a proper holomorphic submersion with connected fibers. Can the fibers of $\phi$ have infinitely many distinct Hodge diamonds? An ...
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Hodge diamonds of complex threefolds

There is no closed complex curve or surface with $h^{1, 0}-h^{0, 1}=1$. Now consider threefolds. Can this condition be satisfied? Is Serre duality in fact the only restriction on the Hodge diamond?
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Biholomorphic neighborhoods of the boundary of Stein domains

Let $(X_1,J_1)$ and $(X_2,J_2)$ be Stein domains with the same contact boundary $(Y,\xi)$. Under what conditions does there exist a biholomorphism between a neighborhood of their respective boundaries ...
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Geometric invariant theory for geometers

I am trying to learn "Geometric invariant theory" like it was introduced by Mumford. But I do not have a strong background in algebraic geometry since I work in geometric topology and geometry. So ...
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Computing the Chern class for a flat line bundle using the holonomy group?

Let $X$ be a Riemann surface of genus $g \geq 2$. I would like to consider flat line bundles on $X$. Flat line bundles can be identified with representations $\pi_1(X) \rightarrow U(1)$. From Chern-...
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Families of Fuchsian models

A Fuchsian model for a Riemann surface $X$ is a discrete subgroup $G$ of $PSL_2(\mathbb{R})$ such that there is a biholomorphic map from $U/G$ to $X$. For a fixed genus $g \geq 2$ one knows from Bers ...
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