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Why is there in theory no morphism/isogenies when enlarging a prime field sharing a common suborder/subgroup? [closed]

Simple question : I have a prime field having modulus $p$ where $p−1$ contains $O$ as prime factor, and I have a larger prime field $q$ also having $O$ as its suborder/subgroup. Why are there no ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Is it in theory possible to create a subexponential algorithm for solving discrete logarithms in multiplicative subgroups or within an Integer range?

As far I understand, when it comes to finite fields, Pollard rho and Pollard’s lambda are still the best algorithm for solving discrete logarithms in a multiplicative subgroup/suborder… Index calculus ...
user2284570's user avatar
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p-adic logarithms with fixed precision

Probably this is easy, but we would like to see it on paper. Let $p$ be prime and $D,g,n$ positive integers. Let $A=g^n \bmod p^D$. Let $\log(p,a,D)$ be the p-adic logarithm with precision $D$. In ...
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Why we are interested in p>3 Schoof's algorithm

In the Schoof's algorithm we are particularly interested in $char(K)>3$, where $K$ is the field. I know Schoof's algorithm is mostly used over large prime fields. Also, when we are transforming ...
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