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What is meant by a meet-in-the-middle approach?

I'm studing C. Petit's work "Faster algorithms for isogeny problems using torsion point images" (link) and he talks about meet-in-the-middle approach/strategy for solve some isogenies ...
Manuel Bravi's user avatar
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Deduce kernel of isogeny from action on torsion points

I'm stuck with the following problem: In Petit's work "Faster Algorithms for Isogeny Problems using Torsion Point Images", p. 8, he says that we can deduce $\ker \psi_{N_2}$ knowing the ...
Manuel Bravi's user avatar
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How to compute the Müller modular polynomials?

According to R.A.Kazmi's dissertation "Isogenies and Cryptography" (Page 22), given an isogeny degree $l$, the Müller modular polynomials are defined as $$G_l(x,y)=\sum_{r=0}^{l+1}\sum_{k=0}^{v}a_{...
Licheng Wang's user avatar