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Converse of Scherk–Segre theorem on the number of vertices of a convex space curve

It is well known that any smooth simple closed convex curve $\gamma$ in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ that meets no plane in more than 4 points has exactly 4 vertices, i.e., points of vanishing torsion; here "...
Matteo Raffaelli's user avatar
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Characterization of convexity by connectedness of hyperplane sections

Let $S$ be a smooth closed connected embedded hypersurface in $\mathbb R^n$. Is it true that $S$ is convex, i.e. is a boundary of a convex set, if and only if any section of $S$ by a hyperplane is ...
Dmitrii Korshunov's user avatar
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Does the surface area of the unit Lp ball go to zero for all $p < \infty$?

We know about volume: The $L_{\infty}$ ball of radius one-half, i.e. the hypercube, has volume $1$ in all dimensions. On the other hand, I believe that for every $1 \leq p < \infty$, the volume of ...
usul's user avatar
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A third degree surface and a touching sphere [closed]

Let consider a surface $z=1/(xy)$ and a sphere defined by $(x-1.5)^2+(y-1.5)^2+(z-1.5)^2=3/4$. The sphere touches the surface at (1,1,1). Is it possible to prove that point (1,1,1) is the only ...
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