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What is a simplified intuitive explanation of conformal invariance? [closed]

Can the concept of conformal map and conformal Invariance be explained in very general terms, preferably in high school/undergrad-level Mathematics? Abstracting away from the applications in physics (...
Sohail Si's user avatar
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How to find a conformal map of the unit disk on a given simply-connected domain

By the classical Riemann Theorem, each bounded simply-connected domain in the complex plane is the image of the unit disk under a conformal transformation, which can be illustrated drawing images of ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Factorization of conformal maps between annuli

Consider two doubly-connected open subsets $A$ and $A'$ of the Riemann sphere. We assume these two domains to be of same modulus (the moduli space being one real parameter), i.e. we assume that there ...
Stéphane Benoist's user avatar
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Non-bijective conformal maps between annuli

I need to answer the following question, hopefully in the negative. Question: Does there exist a conformal map $f$ of degree $1$ from the annulus $\{1<|z|<R\}$ to the punctured disk $\{0<|...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Is there a manifold structure on a space of conformal maps?

I would be very grateful for any information or pointers for the following: 1) Fix an open subset $U$ of $\mathbb{CP}^1$. a) Does the set of all holomorphic maps from $U$ to $\mathbb{C}$ (with the ...
Thomas K's user avatar