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Are (group theoretic) Markov properties on groups with decidable word problems, decidable?

(Link to SE duplicate: The Adian-Rabin theorem says that if a property of ...
Perry Bleiberg's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

An element $g$ in a group such that neither $g=1$ nor $g\ne 1$ can be proved.

Edited (this question contains two versions of a similar question) Is there some finitely presented group $G$ generated by $g_1,...,g_n$ such that there is an element $g\in G$ expressed as a finite ...
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
17 votes
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Groups generated by 3 involutions

Let $r(m)$ denote the residue class $r+m\mathbb{Z}$, where $0 \leq r < m$. Given disjoint residue classes $r_1(m_1)$ and $r_2(m_2)$, let the class transposition $\tau_{r_1(m_1),r_2(m_2)}$ be the ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
  • 19.6k
8 votes
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How bad can the recursive properties of finitely presented groups be?

Any finitely presented group naturally gives rise to an edge-labeled graph (the Cayley graph) and I am considering paths through this graph. Paths correspond to infinite sequences of generators, so ...
Aubrey da Cunha's user avatar