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Decidability of $x^3+y^3+z^3 = c$

I wondering if it is known whether the following problem is algorithmically decidable or undecidable by Turing machines: given an integer c, determine if there are integers $(x,y,z)$ such that $x^3+y^...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Is Videla's solution of Hilbert's tenth problem for rational functions over field of characteristic 2 wrong?

The paper in question. Quick introduction to the problem: suppose that $F$ is a finite field of characteristic 2 (for purposes of this post $F = \mathbb{F}_2$ will suffice) and let $F[t]$ and $F(t)$ ...
Kaban-5's user avatar
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Is decidability reducible to unique decidability (perhaps in multilinear polynomial situations)?

Given a Diophantine equation it is not decidable if it has integer solution. I. Is there a Diophantine set $\mathcal D_{unique}$ satisfying the properties every member in $\mathcal D_{unique}$ is a ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Decidable equality for computable functions $\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$

Suppose we have two computable functions $f, g:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$. When is $f=g$ algorithmically decidable? For example it is decidable if $f$ and $g$ are polynomials of a priori known degree.
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