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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Placing triangles around a central triangle: Optimal Strategy?

This question has gone for a while without an answer on MSE (despite a bounty that came and went) so I am now cross-posting it here, on MO, in the hope that someone may have an idea about how to ...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
8 votes
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$2$-for-$2$ asymmetric Hex

This is a crosspost from Math stackexchange as I left the question open a while and bountied it but received no answers. If the game of Hex is played on an asymmetric board (where the hexes are ...
volcanrb's user avatar
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Is Domineering on any finite approximation of the Sierpinski Carpet always a second-player win?

The game of Domineering can be played on any board consisting of some subset of $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}$. In particular, consider the boards $K_n$ generated by iterating the following inductive ...
Noam Zeilberger's user avatar
4 votes
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Combinatorial fairness property in division of goods

Given $n$ agents, and $m$ items where $v_i(g) \geq 0$ is the value of item $g$ for agent $i$, does there always exist a partition $A_1, ..., A_n$ of the $m$ items into $n$ sets s.t. for all $i, j \in \...
Daishisan's user avatar
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Eventual stabilization for repeatedly adding multiplayer games

This question is an outgrowth of a couple previous questions of mine. In order: 1,2,3. This should be fully self-contained, but those questions may help motivate this one. To keep things readable, I'...
Noah Schweber's user avatar