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Constructing optimal Hamilton cycles from optimal Hamilton paths

Question: can the shortest Hamilton cycle in a complete symmetric graph with weighted edges be constructed from the shortest Hamilton path in the same graph by connecting its ends and then exchanging ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Description of Linear Time Algorithm for TSP in Halin Graphs

I am looking for a description of the linear time algorithm for the TSP in Halin graphs, that was given in "G. Cornuejols, D. Naddef, and W.R. Pulleyblank. Halin graphs and the travelling ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Could you provide some TSP examples from real world to test a new algorithm?

It's well known that to find a hamilton cycle is NPC, while TSP is NPH. But it seems that for majority of graphs (density of edge > 0.1, order > 100) there is a fast algorithm to find different ...
shen lixing's user avatar
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Travelling salesman problem with variable weights

Take a fully connected graph with $v$ vertices. We assign weights to edges using an arbitrary function $f_{ij}(x)$ for pairs of vertices $0 < i, j \le v$, then starting at $c_{0}=0$, traverse the ...
George's user avatar
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A variant of travel salesman problem with charging points

Given a graph composed of a set $V$ of nodes, each representing a point to be visited by a salesman, and a set of fixed charging points. The salesman disposes a car that can travel $D$ distance before ...
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