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Guises of the noncrossing partitions (NCPs)

From "Noncrossing partitions in surprising locations" by Jon McCammond: Certain mathematical structures make a habit of reoccuring in the most diverse list of settings. Some obvious ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Sum of products of irreducible characters of the symmetric group over a subgroup

When trying to build a dual formulation for lattice gauge theories using Weingarten integration I am getting sums of the kind $$I^{m, n}_{\mu, \nu} (\sigma, \tau) = \sum_{\pi \in S_n} \chi_\mu (\pi \...
Volodymyr Chelnokov's user avatar
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Sum over a product of binomial coefficients related to a collision problem

I am working on a certain collision problem. The probability of forming $j$ particles upon collision of $m$ and $n$ particles is given by the following equation: $$R\left(n,m,j\right)=\sum_{k=0}^{n}...
GabrielM's user avatar