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The complexity on calculation of the Graev metric on the free Boolean group of a metric space

For a set $X$ by $B(X)$ we denote the family of all finite subsets of $X$ endowed with the operation $\oplus$ of symmetric difference. This operation turns $B(X)$ into a Boolean group, which can be ...
8 votes
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Is recognizing if a Latin square is isotopic to its transpose more efficient than computing its symmetry group?

Ihrig and Ihrig (2007) described a mathematical method for determining if a Latin square is isotopic to its transpose (where isotopic Latin squares vary by permuting the rows, columns and symbols). ...
15 votes
2 answers

Does a classification of simultaneous conjugacy classes in a product of symmetric groups exist?

Let the symmetric group $S_n$ on $n$ letters act on $S_n^d=S_n\times\cdots\times S_n$ by simultaneous conjugation, i.e. $\pi\in S_n$ acts on $(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_d)\in S_n^d$ by $\pi.(\sigma_1,\...
17 votes
0 answers

Splay trees and Thompson's group $F$

( I apologize for only indicating some easy to find references, but new users are not allowed to link more than five). This is very speculative, but: Question: Is there a reformulation of the Dynamic ...
2 votes
0 answers

Finding globally minimal row subsets of an integer matrix which generate the full row span

Given a $n\times m$ integer matrix $A$, we can consider its row span $span(A)$, that is, the minimal sublattice of $\mathbb{Z}^m$ containing all rows of $A$. Given a subset of the rows of $A$ it is ...