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Lower bound on the number of solutions of 2SAT

To compute the number of solutions of a 2SAT is a hard problem. Is there some nontrivial lower or upper bound on this number in terms of a “coarse-grained” description of the Boolean formula, for ...
Alm's user avatar
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#P version of SUBSET SUM

The decision version of the SUBSET SUM problem asks the following: Given a set of integers $S =$ {$a_1, ..., a_n$}, is there a subset $S'$ of $S$ such that the sum of the elements in $S'$ is equal to ...
Charles Bailey's user avatar
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Boolean function : approximation by a linear function

Let $f$ be a balanced Boolean function. Are there $g$ linear functions, with $$\frac1{2^n}\mathrm{card} \big(\big\{\mathrm{sign} (g (x)) = 2f (x) -1, x \in \{0,1\}^n\big\}\big) > 0.55\quad ?$$ $g ...
Dattier's user avatar
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Finding a subgraph of cliques with the minimum total sum weight

Consider the following graph problem. For a number $K$ and a set $\mathcal{K} = \{ 1, \ldots,K\}$, we have a set of vertices $V_k^s$ for all $s \subset \mathcal{K} \setminus \{k\}$, $s$ is not empty ...
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