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Are there versions of highly connected covers of Lie groups with highly periodic homotopy groups?

There is much activity around the study of highly connected covers of Lie groups (well, of their "infinite rank" versions like $\displaystyle{\lim_{N\to\infty}} \ O(N)$, say). Looking at the ...
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63 votes
5 answers

What is modern algebraic topology(homotopy theory) about?

At a basic level, algebraic topology is the study of topological spaces by means of algebraic invariants. The key word here is "topological spaces". (Basic) algebraic topology is very useful in other ...
4 votes
1 answer

Localization at the Johnson-Wilson spectrum and rationalization

Is there a clean proof that the $L_n$, localization at $E(n)$, is simply rationalization (i.e. $L_0$) on Eilenberg-MacLane spectra? Eric Peterson asked this here, but I haven't seen an answer.
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13 votes
1 answer

Completed and uncompleted operations for Morava $E$-theory

Let $E = E_n$ be the $n$-th Morava $E$-theory with coefficient ring $$ E_* = \mathbb{W}(\mathbb{F}_{p^n})[\![u_1,\ldots,u_{n-1}]\!][u^{\pm 1}]. $$ It is usual to consider the completed co-operations $...
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Uniqueness of Complex Orientation of Morava K-theory

It is known that the $n^{\text{th}}$ Morava $K$-theory at a prime $p$, denoted $K(n)$, is complex oriented. In other words, it admits a theory of Chern classes, or equivalently a morphism of homotopy ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Morava modules and completed $E$-homology

Let $E = E_n$ be the $n$-th Morava $E$-theory and let $\{ M_{I} \}$ be a tower of generalised Moore spectra. Then (see this previous question) there is a Milnor exact sequence $$0 \to \varprojlim_I {}...
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11 votes
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Fields in Stable Homotopy Theory

It is known that the only "fields" in stable homotopy theory, after localizing at a prime $p$, are Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra for fields and the Morava K-theories (this is true in a few senses: these ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Formal n-buds from BU(n) rather than SU(n)

It's known, from Ravenel's green book, as well as other sources, that we build formal group laws over a ring from n-buds, where an n-bud is essentially a truncated formal group law (sometimes called a ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Connection of X(n) spectra to formal group laws

In the proof of the Nilpotence Theorem, or at least in Ravenel's account of it in his Orange Book, a sequence of spectra are used, denoted $X(n)$ with $X(0)=\mathbb{S}$ and and $X(\infty)=MU$ such ...
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