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Homotopy coherent transformation and totalization

Let $C$ be the category of chain complexes over a field $F$ and $C^\prime$ be the subcategory of chain complexes with zero differentials. If $X:I\to C$ is a functor, there is an induced "homology&...
vap's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence of chain complexes from subcomplexes and quotient complexes

Let $C_1$ be a finite-dimensional chain complex over $\mathbb{C}$ coefficients. Let $S_i$ be a subcomplex of $C_1$ and let $Q_1$ be the quotient complex. Suppose $S_1$ and $Q_1$ are chain homotopy ...
Faniel's user avatar
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Invariants of objects in $\operatorname{Ch}(\mathrm{Ab})$ up to chain homotopy

$\newcommand\Ab{\mathrm{Ab}}\newcommand\ab{\mathrm{ab}}\DeclareMathOperator\Ch{Ch}\DeclareMathOperator\Kom{Kom}\newcommand\ho{\mathrm{ho}}$Let $\Ab$ be the category of finitely generated abelian ...
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References for Homotopy transfer problem

I am trying to read Algebra+homotopy=operad by Bruno Vallette. Consider the following set up : chain complexes $(A,d_A),(H,d_H)$, a degree $1$ morphism of chain complexes $h:(A,d_A)\rightarrow (A,d_A)...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Split cofibrations up to quasi-isomorphism

$R$ a ring $(1\neq 0)$, $\mathbf{Perf}(R)$ is the category of perfect complexes (of right $R$-modules). Suppose that $A_{\bullet}\rightarrow B_{\bullet}\rightarrow B_{\bullet}/A_{\bullet}$ a short ...
Let's user avatar
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The interaction between differentials on a graded ring and chain-homotopy equivalences

I am wondering about the following question: Given a differential graded algebra $A$, how many other differentials can we put on the underlying graded ring of $A$, which are also chain-homotopy ...
Mo Behzad Kang's user avatar