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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Non-existence of projections in crossed product

If $X$ is a smooth manifold on which a Lie group $G$ acts properly and cocompactly (meaning $X/G$ is compact), then one can find a compactly support cut-off function $c:X\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ such ...
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Isomorphism between the reduced C*-algebra of a groupoid and the crossed product of inverse semigroups

In Paterson's book "Groupoids, Inverse Semigroups and their Operator Algebras" he proves that for any r-discrete groupoid $G$ with unit space $G^0$, its full $C^* $-algebra $C^* (G)$ is ...
Tomás Pacheco's user avatar
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Amenability for Actions twited with 2-cocycles

Let $A \subset B(H)$ be a unital $C^\ast$-algebra and $\theta: G \rightarrow \mathrm{Aut}(A)$ an action and let $\omega: G \times G \rightarrow U(\mathcal{Z}(A))$ be a $2$-cocyle with respect to $\...
Adrián González Pérez's user avatar