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64 votes
15 answers

Unnecessary uses of the axiom of choice

What examples are there of habitual but unnecessary uses of the axiom of choice, in any area of mathematics except topology? I'm interested in standard proofs that use the axiom of choice, but where ...
96 votes
16 answers

Most 'unintuitive' application of the Axiom of Choice?

It is well-known that the axiom of choice is equivalent to many other assumptions, such as the well-ordering principle, Tychonoff's theorem, and the fact that every vector space has a basis. Even ...
35 votes
15 answers

Objects which can't be defined without making choices but which end up independent of the choice

It happens a lot of times that when one defines a new object (ring, module, space, group, algebra, morphism, whatever) out of given data, one first chooses some additional structure. And sometimes (...