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Discrete random walk and SDEs

My advisor has some vague ideas about the relation between discrete random walks and SDEs, and advise me to read a little bit about them. To be more precise, ( if I understand correctly what my ...
Paresseux Nguyen's user avatar
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Infinite summation formula of Bessel functions

I would like to find a closed form for the following series involving the Bessel function $J_k(z)$: $$ \sum_{k=0}^{+\infty}\frac{(\mu)_{k}}{k!(\lambda)_{k}}t^k\left(\frac{z}{2}\right)^{k}J_{k+\nu}(z),...
axl's user avatar
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Integration involving modified bessel function, exponential and power

I need to find the following integration. $$ \int_0^a e^{-(N-1)x}(\sqrt{4x}K_{1}(\sqrt{4x}))^N $$ where $$ a>0, \quad N \geq 1 $$ Any help will be much appreciated. BR Frank
Frank Moses's user avatar
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Integral involving modified bessel function of second kind, exponential and power

I need to compute the following integral. $$ \int_0^a e^{-bx}\sqrt{4(a-x)}K_1(\sqrt{4(a-x))}dx\,. $$ where $$ a>0$$ and $b$ can be greater than zero or less than zero but it is not a complex ...
Frank Moses's user avatar