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Given an automatic set $S$ coming from a DFA $M$ when read little-endian, is $\overline{d}(S)$ at most the Büchi acceptance probability of $M$?

Note: I've entirely rewritten this question! Originally it was just the third formulation, take note of that when reading answers. Let's say $S$ is a $b$-automatic set, and let's say $M$ is a DFA ...
Harry Altman's user avatar
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Does Frobenius number increase if bound on input increases?

The Frobenius number F is the largest number not expressible as a non-negative linear combination of some set of positive integers $\{a_i\}$, where, $a_i$ has gcd 1. Denote $maxF(n)$ as the maximum of ...
Drinkwater_84's user avatar
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Collatz conjecture— finite state machine transducer construction, origination?

wikipedia has an entry on the Collatz conjecture with a section on As an abstract machine that computes in base two. this apparently describes a construction of a FSM transducer computing sequential ...
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