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A density result for arithmetic progressions

Note: By upper/lower density, we shall mean the upper/lower asymptotic density as given here. Question: For any subset $S \subset \mathbb N$ with positive upper density, does there exists a $\...
Nate River's user avatar
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Large sets not containing arithmetic progressions of length 3 in intervals

Given a large enough natural number $N$, let $\Delta_N=\{A \subseteq [N, 2N]: A$ contains no arithmetic progressions of length $3 \},$ where for natural numbers $N<M$ we have $[N, M]=\{N, N+1, ..., ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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A question on infinite arithmetic progressions

I was working on a problem that consisted of deciding if the language a finite automaton (the alphabet of which is $\{0,1\}$ and the words accepted are binary encoded positive integers) contains an ...
Irmak Sağlam's user avatar
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Multidimensional van der Waerden, bounds for squares

Given $r$, let $f(r)$ be the smallest $N$ such that for any $r$-coloring $C:\{1,\dots,N\}^2 \to \{1,\dots,r\}$, there exists $x,y,d\neq 0$ such that $C((x,y)) = C((x+d,y))= C((x,y+d))=C((x+d,y+d))$. I ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Szemerédi’s theorem in really dense sets

This question is inspired by Tao’s answer in this post. I have thought about this occasionally for several months without anything concrete. Question: Given $\delta>0$ and $k\ge 3$, let $N= N_k(\...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Consecutive integers divisible by consecutive small numbers

Given $n$, what is the largest set of consecutive integers in $[n,2n]$ can we have so that each integer is divisible by a distinct element from $[\log n,2\log n]$ (no partiular order)? So apriori I am ...
Turbo's user avatar
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