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Lower-bound for $\Pr[X \geq m]$ subject to $E[X]>m$ where $X$ is a binomial random variable

Given an integer number $m>0$ and a real number $\alpha\in [1, 2]$, I am interested in finding a lower-bound for $\Pr[X\geq m]$ subject to $X \sim \text{Binomial}(n, m\alpha/n)$. For large values ...
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Normal approximation to the pointwise/Hadamard/Schur product of two multivariate Gaussian/normal random variables

Let $X \sim \mathcal{N}\left( {{\mu _x},\sigma _x^2} \right)$ and $Y \sim \mathcal{N}\left( {{\mu _y},\sigma _y^2} \right)$ be two univariate and independent Gaussian/normal random variables and let $...
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