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44 votes
4 answers

Why is "P vs. NP" necessarily relevant?

I want to start out by giving two examples: Graham's problem is to decide whether a given edge-coloring (with two colors) of the complete graph on vertices $\lbrace-1,+1\rbrace^n$ contains a planar $...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Is there a website or a survey collecting all NP-complete problems on graph theory?

I wonder whether there is a website or a survey collecting all known NP-complete or NP-hard problems on graph theory?
W. Paul Liu's user avatar
6 votes
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Is Logical Min-Cut Problem, NP-Complete? [closed]

Logical Min Cut (LMC) Problem: Suppose that G = (V, E) is an unweighted digraph, s,t are two vertices of V, and t is reachable from s. LMC Problem states that how we can make t unreachable from s by ...
valizadeh80's user avatar
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Karp hardness of two cycles which lengths differ by one

Our problem is as follows: NEARLY-EQUAL-CYCLE-PAIR Input: An undirected graph $G(V,E)$ Output: YES if there exists $2$ (simple) cycles in $G$ which lengths differ by $1$, otherwise NO Is it $NP$-...
T. D. Nguyen's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Reference Request for: Finding Large Bipartite Subgraphs via Destruction of Odd Cycles in Graphs

From the observation, that a bipartite graph doesn't contain odd cycles, it would seem natural to attempt to destroy all odd cycles in the most efficient way, by either removing edges or vertices of ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Need input on a potentially NP-hard maximal edge-weighted multi-cycle graph

I've posted a question on Stack Overflow regarding a seemingly NP-hard problem on maximization of weighted cycles in a graph problem. One of the respondents cited Professor David Speyer's Math ...
Some Newbie's user avatar
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1 answer

$W[1]$-hard and FPT about the equitable tree-coloring problem

I am confused by the two conclusions in this paper (DOI link behind paywall at Springerlink). It shows that the equitable tree-coloring problem is $W[1]$-hard when parameterized by treewidth. However, ...
Yuhang Bai's user avatar
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1 answer

Is undirected short-simple-path-through-3-vertices decidable in polynomial time?

Consider the following language: $L=\{\langle G=(V,E),s,v,t,l\rangle\;|\;s,v,t\in V, l\in \mathbb{N} \wedge $ There exists a simple path from $s$ to $t$, going through $v$ of length $\leq l\}$. ($G$ ...
R B's user avatar
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3 answers

Strategic vertex labeling

We are given a graph $G=(V,E)$ with positive edge weights $w_{i}$ and numerical {0,1,-1} labels $l$ for all vertices . We know that $G$ has a subset $G'$ with all vertices labeled 0(all vertices with ...
372's user avatar
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Bipartite clustering is NP-hard?

Let $G = (A\cup B, E)$ be a bipartite graph with edge weights $w: E\to \mathbb{R}$. Find a partition $B_1, B_2$ of $B$ and a nonempty disjoint subsets $A_1, A_2$ of $A$ such that $w(A_1,B_1) + w(A_2, ...
Thomas Edison's user avatar
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Complexity of finding single source paths with capacity constraints and length constraints

Let $G=(V,A)$ be a directed graph with distinguished vertex $s\in V$ and let $c:A\rightarrow{\mathbb N}$ denote arc capacities. For any $t\in V,t\not=s$ we are given two numbers: $C_{t},L_{t}$. Let $...
Yossi Peretz's user avatar
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Compute the average path weights of paths with the same path length in a directed acyclic graph (DAG)

Given a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) $G=(V,E)$ with each edge $e\in E$ has a non-negative weight $w(e)$. For a path $p=(e_1,e_2,\dotsc,e_n)$ in $G$, define the path weight as : $w(p)=\sum_{i=...
cbyh's user avatar
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