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$\mathrm{LP}$ formulation for $\mathrm{k}$-$\operatorname{opt}$ moves

$\mathrm{k}$-$\operatorname{opt}$ moves are an idea to improve non-optimal Hamilton cycles in weighted symmetric graphs by exchanging $\mathrm{k}$ tour-edges with $\mathrm{k}$ edges that do not belong ...
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Relation of 1-trees to optimal tours

Question: given a complete symmetric graph $G(V,E)$ with $n$ vertices and edges $e_{ij}$ having weight $\omega_{ij}$, does there always exists a vector of vertex potentials $(\pi_1,\,\dots,\,\pi_n)$ ...
2 votes
1 answer

Description of Linear Time Algorithm for TSP in Halin Graphs

I am looking for a description of the linear time algorithm for the TSP in Halin graphs, that was given in "G. Cornuejols, D. Naddef, and W.R. Pulleyblank. Halin graphs and the travelling ...