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Linear system of a relative effective divisor on an arithmetic surface contains vertical divisors

I am puzzled by the behavior of some divisors in my attempt to understand the relative Picard functor $\mathrm{Pic}_{X/S}$ of an arithmetic surface $\pi:X\to S$. This is defined by relative divisors $...
1 vote
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Construction of the Hilbert Scheme

I am reading the book "Rational Curves on Algebraic Varieties" of János Kollár. Definition-Proposition 1.2, begin like this: Let $g:Y\rightarrow Z$ be a projective morphism and $\mathcal{O}(...
6 votes
1 answer

Lifting line bundles

Let $X$ be a smooth proper geometrically integral scheme over $\overline{\mathbb F_p}$. Assume $X$ is the specialization of a smooth proper scheme over $\mathbb Z_p^{nr}$. Let $L$ be an ample line ...