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Eigenvalues of the complement of a graph

Let $A$ and $\widetilde A$ be the adjacency matrices of a graph $G$ and of its complement, respectively. Is there any relation between the eigenvalues of $A + \widetilde A$ and the eigenvalues of $A$ ...
GA316's user avatar
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Spectrum of an adjacency matrix

The adjacency matrix of a non-oriented connected graph is symmetric, hence its spectrum is real. If the graph is bipartite, then the spectrum of its adjacency matrix is symmetric about 0. A few ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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When does a row standardized adjacency matrix have a real spectrum?

A colleague in spatial statistics was looking at a map with about 600 regions. For the application she's considering, the induced adjacency matrix had some undesirable properties (where two regions ...
Gabe K's user avatar
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Leading eigenvector value problem as an optimisation problem for asymmetric matrices

As noted in 1806.05647, given a symmetric matrix $A$, the leading eigenvector value problem (LEVP) $$Av = \lambda v,$$ where $A = A^T \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, $\lambda$ is the largest ...
user144910's user avatar
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Formulas to determine the value of graph energy with addition or deletion of edges

If $G$ is a graph, then the graph energy of $G$ denoted by $E(G)$ is defined as the sum of absolute values of eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of $G$. It is known that $E(G)\geq E(G-v)$, where $ ...
gete's user avatar
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Do there exist graphs whose adjacency matrix is positive semi-definite? [closed]

If so, could you provide examples and specify the conditions under which this occurs? Thank you in advance
DanteAligante's user avatar
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Significance of the Eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of a weighted di-graph

I'm currently running a simulation on a bunch of randomly generated points, each with two randomly selected 'partners' from the set of points. In the simulation the points try to move such that they ...
rysuds's user avatar
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Eigenvalue decomposition of normalized adjacency matrix

Let $A$ be an adjacency matrix of undirected graph $G$, where $G$ is a connected graph. The normalized adjacency matrix is defined as $\hat{A}=D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}$, where $D$ is degree matrix of graph $...
MikeDean's user avatar