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29 votes
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The field of fractions of the rational group algebra of a torsion free abelian group

Let $G$ be a torsion free abelian group (infinitely generated to get anything interesting). The group algebra $\mathbb{Q}[G]$ is an integral domain. Let $\mathbb{Q}(G)$ be its field of fractions. ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Constructively, is the unit of the “free abelian group” monad on sets injective?

Classically, we can explicitly construct the free Abelian group $\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}\Z[X]$ on a set $X$ as the set of finitely-supported functions $X \to \Z$, and so easily see that the unit ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Classification of symtrivial modules over a PID

Let us call a module $M$ over a commutative ring $R$ symtrivial if the symmetry $M \otimes M \to M \otimes M, a \otimes b \mapsto b \otimes a$ equals the identity (the same notion applies to arbitrary ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Example of an uncountable sequence of abelian groups with nonvanishing $\varprojlim^2$?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\op}{\mathrm{op}}\DeclareMathOperator{\Ab}{\mathsf{Ab}}\DeclareMathOperator{\Vect}{\mathsf{Vect}}$Question 1: What is an example of a sequence $(X_\alpha)_{\alpha<\kappa}$ of ...
Tim Campion's user avatar