Whenever you have a 2+1-dimensional TQFT you also have a link invariant by taking the path integral of the complement of the link.
More specifically, let $L\subset S^3$ be a framed, oriented link and let $N$ be the complement of a tubular neighborhood of $L$. The path integral $Z(N)$ lives in the vector space $Z(\def\bd{\partial}\bd N)$ associated to $\bd N$, which is a disjoint union of tori. The orientation and framing of $L$ determine a diffeomorphism of each torus in $\bd N$ to the standard torus. The standard torus has an orthonormal basis indexed by irreducible representations of the semisimple category associated to a circle by the TQFT. Labeling each component of the link by an irrep, we get a numerical invariant of oriented, framed, labeled links in $S^3$ (or in any 3-manifold, for that matter).
In the specific case of DW theory, the category of the circle has objects {maps of the circle into BG} and morphisms linear combinations of maps of $S^1\times I$ into BG, twisted by the cocycle $\omega$. In the case where $\omega$ is zero, the irreps of this category are indexed by pairs $(x, \rho)$, where $x\in G$ runs through representatives of the conjugacy classes of $G$, and $\rho$ runs through irreps of the centralizer of $x$.
Here's a sketch of an argument that for $G$ abelian, and for any twisting cocycle, the link invariant depends only on the linking matrix of the link.
Step 1. The irreducible representations of the annular category mentioned above are all 1-dimensional. (This is the category whose morphisms are maps of an annulus into BG.)
Step 2. If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are two such irreps, then $\alpha\otimes\beta$ is again a 1-dimensional irrep (as opposed to a direct sum of several irreps). Here the tensor product is induced by a pair of pants.
Step 3. It follows that the Hilbert space of a 4-punctured sphere, with punctures labeled by $\alpha, \beta, \beta^*, \alpha^*$, is 1-dimensional. (cf. Witten's famous argument that in the case of $SU(2)$ Chern-Simons theory the analogous Hilbert space is 2-dimensional.)
Step 4. It follows that there is a skein relation saying that the path integral of a overcrossing is a scalar multiple of the path integral of an undercrossing. (Again cf. Witten in the SU(2) case, where one gets a three term skein relation.) The over- and undercrossings live in a 3-ball whose boundary is the sphere of Step 3.
Step 5. Using the skein relation of Step 4, it follows that the link invariant depends only on the linking matrix and the labels of the components of the link.