Of course I'm talking about the algebraic notion of field.
In a few words, if a TQFT consists of a functor $Z\colon Cob(n)\to \mathbf{Vec}_k$, I'm wondering if there are sensible relations among different choices of $k$... Some example coming to my mind:
Fix a real valued TQFT. Can I turn the functor sending objects to $Z(M)\otimes_\mathbb R\mathbb C$ (the "complexification" of the real vector space associated to $M$) into a complex valued TQFT?
What if I consider, in general, a $k$-valued TQFT and a $K$-valued TQFT (with $K$ an extension of $k$)? What if $K$ is finite, infinite, algebraic, Galois or not, positive charateristic or not, etc etc.?
(Feel free to retag the question).