I solved for a Poisson equation with finite elements, using piecewise linear basis functions on 2d triangles.
Now, I want to evaluate the following expressions:
$$ \int_\Omega \Delta u ~dx$$
$$ \int_\Omega (\Delta u)^2 ~dx$$
I want to evaluate these expressions using my approximated solution $u$ which has been computed on piecewise linear basis functions.
For the first one, I thought of using the identity $\int_\Omega div \nabla u = \int_{\partial\Omega} \nabla u . \vec{n}~ds$ and summing this expression over each triangle.However, as expected, the result is strictly 0 since the basis functions are linear.
I also tried to use a kind of jump formula (like $f'(x)=\tilde{f}'(x) + f^+-f^-$ where $\tilde{f}'$ is the derivative of the smooth part of f) but I'm stuck on how to do that for each triangle in 2D (the outer normal is likely to cancel out when computing the same formula for two adjacent triangles sharing an edge) - and I'm wondering if it is supposed to work.
For the second one, I just have no clue.
Am I forced to use higher order elements ? Any idea ? Thanks!