There is a well-known central limit theorem for as a stationary sequences.
If $( X_n )_n$ is a stationary sequence and $E X_n=0$ then under suitable mixing conditions the sequence $S_n := n^{-1/2}\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ converges weakly to a normal random variable. (This is very simplified version of Theorem 7.7.6 of Durrett's Probability Theory ...).
This theorem is very nice but works only when $X_n$ have finite variance (the mixing conditions above require it).
I am almost sure that there must be an analogue of this theorem for variables with infinite variance (of course the sequence will converge to a stable variable). But I couldn't find it in popular textbooks (I check Durrett - "Probability theory...", Kallemberg - "Foundations of probability" and Jacod, Shiryaev - "Limit theorems ..."). Does anybody know any good reference (e.g. a textbook)?