
I am curious about the connection between properties of L-functions and random matrices, and about (if existent) function field versions of that. Do you know a survey or an other article where one could get an idea of those themes and possibly related issues (e.g. which of the many sorts of L-functions are related to random matrices)?

A very nice survey on the function field case by Douglas Ulmer: "The goal of this survey is to give some insight into how well-distributed sets of matrices in classical groups arise from families of L-functions in the context of the middle column of Weil’s trilingual inscription, namely function fields of curves over finite fields. The exposition is informal and no proofs are given; rather, our aim is illustrate what is true by considering key examples." There are several other very interesting articles on his website, BTW.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ There are an awful lot of Google hits for "L-functions and random matrices." $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 16, 2009 at 23:31
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yes, too much for a lazy me to browse them all ;) A lecture last year by Katz “Simple things we don’t know” probably surveyed that theme, but no text of it exists. I wonder what on Gauss' list of "simple things we don't know" would have been. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 16, 2009 at 23:53

5 Answers 5


Have a look at J. Brian Conrey's "L-functions and Random Matrices" at



Here is a published proceedings to a short school held at the Newton Institute in Cambridge about the connection between random matrix theory and number theory:


Similarly, here is one for the connection between the ranks of elliptic curves and random matrix theory:



The standard reference is (or at least used to be) Katz and Sarnak.

  • $\begingroup$ I know that and it is surveyed in the article mentioned above, but I am looking for other texts. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 17, 2009 at 9:33

If you want something more on the expository side, "An Invitation to Modern Number Theory" by Miller and Takloo-Bighash builds up both L-functions and random matrices from the ground up, later connecting the two.


Another expository work, by Firk and Miller (same Miller as above) is "Nuclei, Primes and the Random Matrix Connection"



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