Given an abelian surface $A$ as the product of two non isogenous elliptic curves $E_1 $ and $E_2$ over $\mathbb{C}$. We also have a smooth 2 dimensional moduli space $M$ of sheaves on $A$ with some prescribed Chern classes.
I'm interested in finding some irreducible components of $M$. I know $M$ is not empty, i.e. there is a sheaf $E$ on $A$, representing a point in $M$. The sheaf is given as $E=O_A\oplus L_1 \oplus L_2\oplus (L_1\otimes L_2)$, where $L_i$ is a 2-torsion line bundle coming from a 2-torsion bundle on $E_i$.
My first idea was to embed $A$ into $M$ via its Picard variety, since $Pic^0(A)=A$ and these line bundles have vanishing Chern classes in $NS(A)$ . If $p\in A$ and $K_p$ is the associated line bundle, i looked at $\phi: A \rightarrow M$, $p \mapsto E\otimes K_p$. By Atiyah's version of the Krull-Schmidt theorem we have $E\cong E\otimes K_p$ if and only if $K_p \in$ { $O_A,L_1,L_2,L_1\otimes L_2$ }.
So the map $p \mapsto E\otimes K_p$ is not injective. If two line bundles $P$ and $Q$ satisfy $P\cong L_1\otimes Q$ or $P\cong L_2\otimes Q$ or $P\cong (L_1\otimes L_2)\otimes Q$, then we get $\phi(p)=\phi(q)$ if $P$~$K_p$ and $Q$~$K_q$.
So my idea was to "kill" the action of $L_1, L_2$ and $L_1\otimes L_2$. So define the group $G:=${$O_A,L_1,L_2,L_1\otimes L_2$}$\subset Pic^0(A)=A$.
Questions: Can we look at $A/G$? Is this an irreducible smooth projective surface? So is $A/G$ an irreducible component in $M$? Is it even an abelian surface, maybe the product product of two other elliptic curves? Or is this idea not so good at all?