$\DeclareMathOperator{\Pic}{Pic}$Let $C$ be an integral projective curve over $\mathbb C$, which is smooth except for a single node $x\in C$. Let $M$ be the moduli space of stable torsion-free sheaves on $C$ of rank 1 and degree $d$, so $M$ naturally contains $\Pic^d C$.
Question. How to describe the structure of $M$ in detail? Is there a good reference? I'm not asking for a proof of existence, which is handled in [1], but rather a good description of $M$'s structure.
Let $$\nu: \tilde C \to C$$ be the normalization map. Here are my thoughts up to now:
Every pure sheaf $F$ of rank $1$ is stable, since it does not admit any proper quotients $F \to F'' \to 0$, which are also pure. This means there are no strictly semistable sheaves, which implies that $M$ is projective. So $M$ is a compactification of $\Pic^d C$.
Additionally to line bundles $L \in \Pic^d(C)$, there is also the ideal sheaf of the node, $I_x \subset \mathcal O_C$, which is pure of rank $1$, but is not a line bundle. One my also consider it's dual $I_x^\vee$, and also tensor any line bundle $L$ with $I_x$ and $I_x^\vee$. If I understand correctly, $I_x$ has degree $-2$, because $\nu^*I_x = \mathcal O(-p-q)$, where $p,q \in \tilde C$ sit above $x$. Is that correct? Are there any other pure sheaves of rank $1$?
The pull-back morphism $\nu^*: \Pic^d C \to \Pic^d \tilde C$ is a $\mathbb C^*$-bundle, because descending a line bundle $\tilde L \in \Pic\tilde C$ to $C$ means identifying $L_p$ with $L_q$, so there is a $\mathbb C^*$-choice of descend data.
Is it true that $\nu^*$ extends to a map $M \to \Pic^d \tilde C$? If I'm not mistaken, pulling-back a pure sheaf of rank $1$ should give a line bundle on $\tilde C$, so this is promising. On the other hand, [2, part 2 Good singular fibres] claims that only the normalisation $\tilde M$ maps to $\Pic^d \tilde C$, and that the map $\tilde M \to M$ identifies points of different fibers, so there is no change to get a map $M \to \Pic^d \tilde C$. I tried to take a look at [3], which is given in [2] as a reference, but I could not get into that 90 page paper.
[1] Huybrechts, Lehn; The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves.
[2] Sawon; On the Discriminant Locus of a Lagrangian fibration
[3] Oda, Seshadri; Compactifications of the Generalized Jacobian Variety