$\DeclareMathOperator{\Jac}{Jac}\DeclareMathOperator{\Pic}{Pic}$Let $C$ be a smooth curve of genus $g > 0$, and consider the Picard torus $\Pic^d(C)$ of line bundles of degree $d$. Let $\mathcal P$ be a Poincaré bundle on $C \times \Pic^d(C)$. If $d > 2g - 2$, every line bundle $L \in \Pic^d(C)$ has $H^1(C, L) = 0$. If we denote by $q: C \times \Pic^d(C) \to \Pic^d(C)$ the projection, it follows that $$R^1q_* \mathcal P = 0,$$ and $q_* \mathcal P$ is a locally free sheaf of rank $r = \dim H^0(C,L) = d - g + 1$.
I would like to know the polarization type $(d_1, \dotsc, d_g)$ of $$c_1(q_* \mathcal P) \in H^2(\mathbb Z, \Pic^d(C)).$$ Does anyone know how to compute this, or if there is any reference for this?